Action and Reaction
“Every action has an equal and opposite reaction” or so Newton said in his third law of motion. While it took him considerable efforts to prove it; the though that the same law was applicable to the equations of life never crossed his mind. So how indeed does this cycle of action and reaction work in our lives? That is a question that plagues the mind of the true seeker as he starts to self-introspect and question each of his actions in life. The question that necessarily pops up to the mind is this. Is my karmic act an act of action? Or an act of reaction? Am I acting? Or am I simply reacting?
While many people think that they are well balanced individuals; and that their actions are guided by no one else but themselves. However they fail to realize the fact that there are indeed subtle forces that act on the human mind to coerce it into a destructive spree of action and reaction. In simple words, many times, when you are acting out of impulse, when you are acting out of instinct, when you are acting out of emotion; you are not acting; you are simply reacting. You are simply reacting to some act that took place prior to that point in time; an act that left a considerable impact on your psyche.
So why is reacting so bad? One would ask. Well I would say that it is not necessarily bad; but it is an undesirable by-product of your thoughts. When you react out of impulse, you necessarily react in a hurry. Thus your reaction at times does not undergo much thought and discretion. You just give in to the instinctive need of providing a reaction. This happens owing to the fact that your ego cannot let itself be snubbed or belittled in any way. Your ego wants to come out of any situation as a winner. This holds for a fact not only in your case, but in the case of the millions of individuals who live in this world.
Thus every time you transact with any individual, both of you are determined to come out on the top. No one wants to be defeated In the war of words. Thus in the end, this incessant need to gratify the ego, becomes the only underlying motive of any interaction. Owing to this, the individual starts to lose his social credibility as others start percieving him as an ego-maniac.
Ultimately the thing that any seeker has to realize is that true spirituality always teaches him to be more and more productive and creative. Thus a true spiritualist does not give in to the mindless antics of the human ego. He does not seek gratification at every point in time. Thus owing to this, his reactions are well balanced and well-thought of. They are not tactless acts of vengence. Thus a true spiritualist, in the end always wins through in the journey of life; for in the end, people start to admire him and follow him out of sheer respect. In the end he inspires within others that same ideology which induces in them a balanced way of life.
In the end the true spiritualist knows his place in the world. Thus he needs no external validation to prove the same to his ego. He is always centered in his purpose and his goals. That makes him an exteremel affable personality. So the fact of the matter that we must realize from this story is that we must never ever be in a hurry to give a reaction. Our reactions must be well thought and calculated against all prevailing circumstances.
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