Chapter 9: “Spiritual Quotient”
In the ninth chapter of the Satsang series Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of an individual’s spiritual quotient. Often times, our ability to stay contented and happy in life depends on our spiritual quotient. But what is the spiritual quotient comprised of? How can we develop our spiritual quotient? What are the advantages of a high spiritual quotient? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers.
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By Umesh, February 16, 2010 @ 10:38 pm
Excellent Audio Snippets
By admin, February 17, 2010 @ 10:45 am
thanks.. stay tuned..there are many more interesting things in the wake…:)
By Anirudh K. Satsangi and Lara Jane, July 7, 2010 @ 2:22 pm
The psychology has always been in a continuous pursuit of finding the best tool to predict the qualities of an individual. IQ, EQ and SQ are tools to predict the individual’s abilities, qualities and potentialities.
The IQ theory is based on left brain of human being. It emphasized mathematical computation, logic and technical formulations. EQ theory made both the hemispheres of brain its basis. Not only left brain qualities of computation and calculation but also the right brain qualities of taste, aesthetics, compassion and empathy determine the probability of success of an individual. SQ is the third value in a set of three measurements. This is not limited to an individual’s brain area only.
Practice of concentration to meditate at the optic chiasma and pineal gland leads to experiencing ecstasy, bliss, spiritual elevation and ultimately self-realisation.
Wilhelm Stern had given the formula for Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Daniel Goleman described the importance of Emotional Quotient(EQ). Tony Buzan coined the term Spiritual Intelligence for the first time. Zohar and Marshall proposed Spiritual Intelligence as the “Ultimate Intelligence”.
Deepak Chopra described SQ as the ratio of Deed(D) and Ego(E).
I have also attempted to describe EQ as the product of IQ and wisdom(W) and SQ as the ratio of parasympathetic dominance(PSD) and sympathetic dominance(SD). Both PSD and SD are physiological parameters and can be measured experimentally to put their values in the formula for SQ.
SQ leverages both IQ and EQ.
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By admin, March 26, 2011 @ 12:19 am
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