Devotional Media
Here we shall be dispersing devotional bhajans through the medium of audio files. We shall also be reflecting on the greatness of devotion and the power that it truly carries. Throughout history, hindu religious texts have placed a great emphasis on the power of devotion. When love comes to a point that it surpasses all bonds of personal attachments and personal desires, it manifests itself in the form of devotion. Hence the devotion that a seeker bears in his heart for his master, undeniably is the strongest form of love in nature. This love in turn enables the disciple to obtain great blessings from his master; blessings which come to him in the form of energy that completely transforms his life beyond recognition..
Here we shall be showcasing some of the devotional tunes that have been attributed to our venerable master Shree Sadfuru Shankar Maharaj. We shall also be elucidating and expanding upon the true nature of selfless devotion and the true power that it carries. Devotion has always been one of the most under-rated aspects of modern-day spirituality. This is a humble undertaking to bring the truth pertaining to the matter to light…
In the following audio epistle, we elaborate on the process that goes behind the seeker finally obtaining the master’s ‘grace’. What do we mean when we say the word ‘grace’ ? How does it finally help the seeker in his life’s journey ? Listen further to know the answers…”:)
Click Here to listen to devotional bhajans attributed to Shree Shankar Maharaj
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By suvarna kunnur, October 12, 2009 @ 12:31 pm
please let us have the vocal versions too for those pf us who do not know the words.
By admin, October 12, 2009 @ 2:00 pm
will be posting the lyrics later on… 🙂