True Spirituality in current day and age…
These days, spirituality has been relegated to simply being a topic that is discussed idly over a cocktail party; or a frivolous indulgence that is undertaken once a while to satiate the irrepressible hunger of the soul. Whatever the cases may be, fact of the matter is that spirituality, in this day and age has been pretty much embroiled in the social, economic and religious embargos promoted and propagated by many organizations. While there remains some truth to the claims of salvation purported by many across the world, fact of the matter remains that salvation and enlightenment is not something that can be achieved in a single incarnation. It is definitely not something that can be achieved in the absence of a realized master. That is the truth; plain and simple.
These days spirituality is being offered like a quick-fix pill to all of life’s problems. While it is true that spirituality indeed is the right way to resolve and absolve all of life’s problems (worldly or otherwise), fact of the matter remains that the spiritual path also demands a great deal of effort, fortitude and perseverance on part of the seeker. Often an individual turns to spirituality in the darkest hours of his life; when all else fails, he puts his faith in God to lead him across the treacherous and dreaded webs of human existence to a better place in life. At that point, the individual has little choice, but as his condition improves with time, he once again starts to lose the spiritual desire which was instrumental in showing him better days. This is the case with most people. They enlist, they serve and then they leave. Hardly few ever complete the entire journey; and thus most of the times; the people who talk about spirituality are the people who are least qualified to talk about it. They may be certified by the equally ignorant society but in no ways are they the saints that they are painted as.
A new age is dawning; an age where saints themselves would now have to change the ways in which they operate amongst people. Gone are the days when a few miracles was all that was needed to convince the people at large to denounce the darkness and turn towards the light. A new age is dawning; an age where pseudo-intellectuals and rationalists demand a quick-fix answer to each and every single of life’s question. As I think about it all, I wonder to myself; how will spirituality thrive? Heck! How will it survive?
The answers I surmise, I know all too well. Spirituality will survive. It will thrive like it always has. The apostles of this new age would now have to evolve and adapt to the demands of the society. To be the change in the society, they would indeed have to be a part of the society. Gone are the days, when a saint would be identified simply by the clothes he wore. The saints of the current age would have to be identified only by virtue of their work. They would have to live as part of the recursive and redundant human existence in order to reclaim the lost divinity in every human being.
At the start of the article I mentioned the fact that spirituality is fast being embroiled in the torrents of social, economic and religious issues. Fact of the matter is that the time is now at hand, when the spiritualist would have to be a part of all these issues to help transcend them and bring the world to a new age of enlightenment… through true spirituality….
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By medha, October 14, 2009 @ 7:09 pm
An impressive article by admin!Generally people believe that those who are a failure in their worldly life,turn to spirituality & so the spiritual path is only for people who are defeated or frustrated.It is so because we have a misconception that spirituality is for later stages of life,for older people(when all is said & done!).But I totally disagree because I feel if our children follow the spiritual path at early stages of their lives,they will be better equipped to face the life’s realities & challenges.I am sure that they willbe far more successful than us.I know many spiritual people who are more capable & successful in life than people otherwise.
By Anand Joshi, October 15, 2009 @ 10:23 pm
Very nice article.
In some biographies of direct disciples of illumined masters, they have given a lot of emphasis of grace.
At some points, they have gone to such extent that human efforts dont have any value unless & until there is grace ushered by the master or God.
Some upanishdic / vedic sentences as well say such …
It may be implied then to have grace or to be capable to having grace, one must do right efforts.