Selfless Benevolence

Today, we finally come to the topic that has always been a great source of discussion here on The Last Pilgrimage weblog. It is indeed remarkable as to how important this factor is in the spiritual journey of every seeker. The spirtual journey is essentially an evolutionary process. The spiritual path institutes the divine presence of god in the heart of every seeker who walks it with a sense of deep-rooted determination. While many people know this for a fact, they fail to truly cognize as to what God represents. How does one classify God? The answer to that question is truly beyond the scope of explanation, but it would suffice to say that God is indeed a benevolent entity. He is someone, who exists solely for the purpose of shedding his divine grace on the rest of the world. God is kind, merciful and endearing. To put it in a single word, God is selfless; he exists for the sake of others and all that he accomplishes is for the greater good of humanity.

Humanity on its part is always trenched in the weaknesses that inherently make an individual human. Man is a self-centered beast albeit, one who is socially trained and universally accepted. Point of the matter is that man in his very essence is an instinctive animal. The very human existence reeks of self-gratification and incessant bids at fulfillment of vain desires. The fact that the human existence is infinitely recursive is proved by the fact that the desires, which are associated with it are indeed endless. Man can never end his desires through satiation, and thus every frail effort to satsify a desire ends up inflaming it even more. Thus the entire human life becomes naught but a chain of unfulfilled desires; for unrequitedness is an attribute that is always associated with desire. No matter how hard you try to fulfill them, desires will never end.

So we come to the next logical question in the chain of reasoning. How does man truly derive joy from his life? How can man truly be happy, if ever desire leads him to a perpetual sense of discontent. The answer to that question is a single word. Realization. Man can truly be happy only when he realizes the fact that he can never derive complete satsifaction through the fulfillment of his desires. He has to be unconditionally happy no matter what the situation that surrounds him. Once an individual accomplishes this, he would never remain bound to his desires.

Upon making this bold statement, many would question the motive of their lives? What would man live for, if not for his desires? People often come to a stalemate when this question arises. This happens owing to the fact that they can never even imagine a life that is not motivated by any sense of personal desire or personal ambition. However there is an alternative factor that could indeed provide the seeker with greater motivation, resolute focus and unshaken determination. It is the sense of a benevolent purpose that accomplishes that. When you work for someone else; when you strive for the happiness of others; when you endavor to change the lives of the destitute that lie ravaged on your sides, you make a greater choice that uplifts you from the misery of human existence. When you commit a selfless act, it embellishes your spirit with a great sense of bliss and insurmountable ecstasy. You will gain seamless satisfaction and contentment out of such acts of selfless benevolence; no matter how insignificant they may seem to the casual observer. The benefits of benevolence shall far surpass the skepticism that the world would throw your way…

…to be continued
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  • By suvarna vyankatesh kunnur, January 5, 2010 @ 1:50 am

    all our lives we run after the desires of the heart wanting and wanting ,never realising that many are not evn half as priveleged and their basic necessities are never is this greed that leads to man,s downfall and realisation comes too late or sometimes it possible to start late …the happiness one will derive from the happiness of others will exceed that of one,s selfish acqisitions.

  • By admin, January 5, 2010 @ 4:38 pm

    it is never too late to change.. you can make that choice any time you want…:)

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