Chapter 12: “Emotional Quotient”
In the season finale of the Satsang series, Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of emotional quotient and the effects that it has on a seeker’s spiritual growth. Man is always bound by his emotions; riding the waves of his impulses. When we take any decision solely based on our emotions, we end up making a grave mistake. How can we ensure that we can remain practical and object-oriented in life? At the same time, how can we make sure that we don’t turn into heartless machine? For the answers to all these questions and many more, listen to the following audio snippet.
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By Sunil V. Abhyankar, January 1, 2013 @ 9:09 am
this vocal is not working can you look in to it
Happy new english year
let Shri Sadguruji bless all of the devoties