Leading up from my last article, I had mentioned that very often our desires and our instincts motivate our actions; and the actions that spur from vile thoughts and selfish desires are in the end the same; they are not benevolent in any way. People often feel that their acts should be transparent; that they should bear no other motive than the one that spurs that action; for example, If an individual loves a girl, that girl would expect that the basis of any relationship that they establish, would be based on nothing but pure love; however in real life, we all know that the waters run much deeper; that there are a thousand different motives to each of our actions; and indeed it should be that way.
The reason why I say such a thing is that often when a single desire is potent enough to spur an action, the gust and vigor with which we get into accomplishing such an act vanishes once the desire goes away. Thus many times, we are left with nothing but regret as we feel that everything we do is utterly pointless. The reason for such a reaction is that we never ever actually sit back and think what the motivation behind any particular act is. Motivation comes from many sources apart from desire; it can come from ambition; it can come from inspiration; it can come from a sheer determination to achieve something that requires a great deal of dedication and effort.
In such a scenario, the factor that matters the most is the source of your motivation and your determination to take any task to completion. Life is a series of unfinished stories; but it is only so because we of our own accord abandon every act before it can meet its justified end. This in the end forces us to come back to this wretched world to finish each of those unfinished stories that we have left in the book of our lives.
Thus the key to being insanely successful in your mundane lives and to be spiritually satisfied is determination. Whenever you undertake a task, be determined and resolute to take it to its completion. One can only accomplish that feat by ensuring that the factors that motivate him are not in any way superficial or frivolous; because in the end , the things that motivate you remain the driving point behind all your acts; thus once you are pure in motivation, you shall be pure in act; and with great determination, you shall definitely achieve that which you desire.
In the end the goal of human life is to attain peace and satisfaction; the goal is to attain unending happiness and bliss; that is what true spirituality is all about; it teaches you the way of life; it makes you realize that life, even though is born out of pain and incompleteness, is meant to be complete; that life in the end is meant to be a fulfilling experience. However we of our own accord fail to realize this; and in this life, we are our own worst enemies; our mind is the greatest culprit; the birthplace of all misery and regret. Determination allows us to go beyond this regret and achieve that state of peacefulness and bliss.
May God and Guru help us in our lofty endeavors…
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By medha, March 11, 2011 @ 9:32 am
A very good article!Clear thoughts! It is indeed true that behind our every action there are many things to be achieved.Many times we r not even aware of this fact.So it happens that at least some of the goals are achieved when we take a particular action.
By manjusha, March 15, 2011 @ 5:01 pm
Really vey gud article. It has cleared many doubts of my mind which were troubling me for a long time.
By admin, March 17, 2011 @ 7:47 pm
Thank you.. Happy to help 🙂
By Umesh, March 19, 2011 @ 5:00 pm
Good article! its shows that path for an spiritualist to make his karma finish the abadon the unfinished action left behind by individual.
By Rick, September 27, 2011 @ 9:41 pm
“…in this life, we are our own worst enemies; our mind is the greatest culprit” I totally agree with this, nothing can bring us happiness but ourselves, nothing can bring us to success but ourselves, nothing can bring us to defeat than ourselves. How we live life totally depends on ourselves. Great article!
By Jamie Templet, October 24, 2011 @ 12:08 pm
I often have wars inside my head. My head is my master. It determines everything I should do or not. But sometimes my heart involves itself to influence my head and hopefully can calm the war.